Mid-Michigan Pug Club: Newsletter


Each year in June our club hosts a Pug picnic at Fitzgerald Park in Grand Ledge, Michigan. We provide brats, hot dogs and burgers and ask folks to bring a dish to pass. We have pug games which may include hot dog dunk, cake walk, best kisser, curliest tail, biggest pug, etc. It's great fun and you get to meet other pug lovers. You might help greet newcomers, cook hot dogs, judge contests, or sell pug related items. You might help set up or clean up at the end.
PUGNIC Volunteer

Become a member

Annual dues are $15 per member or $18 for a couple. Mail your check to:

Mid Michigan Pug Club
c/o Carolyn Williams
41110 Fox Run Rd. Apt. T19
Novi, Mi. 48377

Email midmichiganpugclub@aol.com with any questions. Membership dues help us to pay for medical treatment for the pugs, website fees and renewing our State Non-Profit status along with supporting the Pug Dog Club of America with their health and rescue funds.

Kroger Community Rewards

Click to en-roll
Help support our rescue mission by enrolling in Kroger Community Rewards. Sign up with your email address, link your Kroger card and name Mid Michigan Pug Club as your charity. Kroger requires participants to renew on a yearly basis, so please mark your calendars.


Sometimes we get a call and need to pick up a pug from a shelter or closing puppy mill. We always need people willing at a moments notice to help out. We keep a list of possible transport folks and you could be that person.


Transport Pugs


All of our foster homes are carefully screened. If after reviewing this page you are interested in offering your home to foster pugs, please email your request for a foster home application to Janice Jean.


Foster Home

The foster individual acknowledges agreement of the Rescue Procedures and Responsibilities and recognizes the reasonable interest in assuring the proper and humane treatment of rescued Pugs during temporary placement with the foster home. The foster individual represents that no member of the family has been charged with cruelty to animals and agrees to accept the following conditions and restrictions in order to be eligible to provide a foster home for a rescue Pug.

- The foster home will keep the rescue Pug indoors.

- The foster home will provide the rescue Pug with an adequately fenced yard or will walk the dog on a leash daily. At no time will the dog be allowed to run loose when not attended. The foster home acknowledges that their residence, if rented, permits pets pursuant to the lease or by special permission of the landlord.

- The foster home will provide said rescue Pug with all the care and attention necessary to ensure its health and well-being. This will include providing sufficient food, water and exercise. Veterinary care will be provided with the prior approval of the Chairman of Pug rescue or the President of Mid-Michigan Pug Club. In the event of a serious emergency, and neither of the aforementioned are available, the rescue Pug is to be treated by a competent veterinarian for that emergency to stabilize the situation. The Chairman of Pug rescue is to be notified immediately of the emergency situation. A detailed receipt is to be forwarded to the Chairman of Pug rescue for reimbursment.

- The rescue Pug will not be abused in any manner. The rescue Pug will not be beaten or otherwise treated cruelly, and will not be the subject of, or subjected to, any biological, chemical, psychological or other experiment.

- In the event the rescue Pug is lost or stolen, the foster individual will contact the Chairman immediately, advertise in major newspapers and make all reasonable attempts to locate the Pug.

- The foster individual shall not give, lease or otherwise transfer custody of the rescue Pug to any other person, business or organization unless first authorized to do so by the Chairman of Mid-Michigan Pug Rescue.

- The foster individual will promptly notify the Chairman of any change in residence, mailing address and/or telephone number.

- The foster individual will immediately notify the rescue Chairman of the rescue Pug's death and/or serious illness or injury.

-The foster individual must notify the rescue Chairman within 12 hours of any bite by the rescue Pug inflicted on a human or another animal not owned by the foster individual.

- The foster individual recognizes the need to ensure that the rescue Pug is receiving proper and humane care, and agrees to allow inspection of the foster home and the conditions in which the rescue Pug is living, at any reasonable time, by a representative of Mid-Michigan Pug Club.

- The foster individual agrees to immediately surrender custody of the rescue Pug to a representative of Mid-Michigan Pug Club upon demand. The foster individual agrees that the foster individual has/had no legal ownership and will not obtain any legal rights to the rescue Pug in their care.

- Should it be necessary to litigate in connection with any dispute concerning the care, treatment and/or custody of a rescue Pug directly under the care of the foster home, the foster individual agrees to pay all court costs and reasonable attorney fees.

- The foster individual recognizes that Mid-Michigan Pug Club does not warrant the temperament or behavior of the rescue Pug and that Mid-Michigan Pug Club is not held liable for any acts of the rescue Pug while living with the foster individual.

- The foster individual states that they have reasonable knowledge about the proper care of Pugs. The foster home agrees to be responsible for the proper supervision of the rescue Pug in their possession. Should Mid Michigan Pug Club suffer any damages or legal costs as a result of the negligent supervision of the rescue Pug in the foster home's care, the foster individual agrees to indemnify Mid-Michigan Pug Club for all such damages.

- The foster individual acknowledges that the purpose of Mid-Michigan Pug Club establishing the conditions in this agreement is to safeguard the health and well-being of the rescue Pug, to protect the rescue Pug against neglect, abuse and cruelty and to temporarily house a rescue Pug until a permanent home is found.