NOTE: The purpose of this application is not to make
adopting a pug difficult, but rather to ensure that the right person
is chosen for the right pug. We invest so much time, energy, money
and love into rehabilitating pugs that we feel very strongly about
being completely thorough with our applications. Thank you for your
understanding. Please answer each questions completely. If a
question does not apply to you, indicate so.
Puppies - one year
2-3 years
4-7 years
8 or more years
WARNING: Invalid email address will cause form to fail to
MMPC will only use email to contact in
regard to pug adoptions.
When completed form will be emailed to Gwynne Turner, when submit button is pushed. The form can
also be mailed to: Mid-Michigan Pug Club, Inc. For
the Love of Pugs 5165 Pettis NE Belmont, MI 49306
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
Gwynne Turner by email
If you are approved, and a PUG is placed with you, please
be aware that you will be contacted periodically to assess how you
and your PUG are adjusting to each other and to help with any
problems you may be experiencing. Please also note that you will be
required to sign a legal, binding, adoption contract before you
receive your PUG. We appreciate your interest in our pugs.